
Español, Inglés, Francés

+54 4319-7100 ext. 2801

Casañas Lopez Moreno, Ezequiel


Lawyer graduated from the University of Buenos Aires. Member of the Corporate, Contractual and Real Estate Departments. He joined the Firm in 2021.


He graduated as a lawyer from the Law School of the University of Buenos Aires with an average of 8.17. Likewise, he completed: (i) the Postgraduate course in “Tax Law” at the Law School of the University of Buenos Aires; (ii) the Postgraduate course in “Civil Procedure Law” at the Law School of the University of Buenos Aires; (iii) the Postgraduate course on “Cybercrime and digital evidence” at the Law School of the University of Buenos Aires; and (iv) course on information technologies and new legal tools at the CEMA University.


He specializes in the Corporate and Contractual area, together with the Real Rights area, with extensive practice and experience in the matter. He advises foreign and local companies as well as individuals with respect to corporate futures, contracts and acquisitions of real estate in the country. In the area of ​​corporate law, he advises multinational companies that carry out activities in Argentina on conflicts generated in this area.


Ezequiel is a member of the Buenos Aires City Bar Association.