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Alvarez, Sebastián
Practice Areas
Sebastián graduated from the Universidad de Buenos Aires. He chairs the Public Law Practice and co-chairs the Litigation and Arbitration Practice. He joined Brons & Salas in 2004.
Sebastián received his LL.B. from the School of Law of the Universidad de Buenos Aires in 1993. He took a Graduate Course on Administrative Procedural Law at the Schoold of Law of the Universidad de Buenos Aires in 1993 and a Graduate Course on Telecommunications Law also at that University in 2006.
He also took a Postgraduate Course on Economic Administrative Law at the Universidad Católica Argentina (1996-1997).
Sebastián has vast experience in providing all type of legal advisory services regarding government contracts and public services and also in connection with state-regulated activities (electricity, telecommunications, supply of drinking water, air and land transportation, gas transportation, among others), privatization processes, national, provincial and international bidding processes, condemnations and administrative easements.
Furthermore, as he has rendered professional services in the field of the Argentine electricity market since he joined Brons & Salas, he has specialized knowledge in the regulatory aspects of the electricity market.
He served as Clerk of a Federal Court hearing Administrative Litigation Matters, thus gaining great experience and expertise in contentious matters in administrative, judicial and arbitration proceedings, before authorities at the federal and provincial levels and in the City of Buenos Aires.
Academic Activities
Sebastián is a full professor of “Regulations II” in the Postgraduate Course on Administrative Law at the Universidad Católica de La Plata and an associate professor of “Administrative Law I” at the Universidad de la Matanza. In addition, he was a professor of Administrative Law at the School of Law of the Universidad de Buenos Aires.
He is a member of the Buenos Aires City Bar Association, the Argentine Association of Administrative Law and the Argentine Association of Administrative Law of the City of Buenos Aires.
Sebastián is the author of the following articles:
-“La aplicación de los códigos de fondo en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires luego de la reforma constitucional de 1994”, published in Revista de Derecho Administrativo, year 12, January/December 2000, Nos. 33/35, LexisNexis.
-“Un caso de aplicación retroactiva de tarifas”, published in Revista de Doctrina, Jurisprudencia, Legislación y Práctica, January/March 2008, No. 63, LexisNexis.
-“Una consideración sobre la tasa de justicia en las medidas cautelares autónomas”, published in Revista Argentina del Régimen de la Administración Pública “RAP”, No. 369, page 19, Rap Publishers.
-“El principio de legalidad en materia de contrataciones administrativas” published in Revista Argentina del Régimen de la Administración Pública “RAP”, No. 382, page 53, Rap Publishers.
-“Algunas Pautas Para la Gestión Estatal de las Necesidades Esenciales de la Comunidad: Conclusiones a la Luz de un Caso Particular”, published in Estudos Dirigidos de Gestao Pública Na América Latina – Volume 1, Forum Publishers, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.