Administrative & Regulatory Law
Brons & Salas is renowned for its specialization in Administrative and Regulatory Law, in particular, and Public Law, in general. It provides all kinds of legal services related to government procurement, public utilities and regulated activities (such as electricity, telecommunications, drinking water supply, air and land transport services, gas transportation, etc.), privatization processes, international, national and provincial invitations to tender bids, expropriations and administrative easements.
After more than two decades of uninterrupted legal assistance to clients in the national electricity market, Brons & Salas has developed a particular specialization in the legal framework governing such market. Its clients are national and international investors, large, medium and small private and public companies, and also the Argentine Government and the Provinces. Brons & Salas has vast experience and specialized knowledge in litigation before administrative, judicial and arbitration authorities, at the federal and provincial levels, and in the City of Buenos Aires.